Morning walk essay 10 lines | 9 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Morning walk essay 10 lines Answer Number 1 It’s a good idea to walk in the morning. It keeps us healthy. It’s suitable for all ages, including children. Morning walks will be the first task of the day. It is important to walk every morning. Morning walks can help us relax our minds and bodies. Morning…

Wonder of science short essay | 2 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Wonder of science short essay Answer Number 1 Wonder of science short essay Introduction: When we look back at an age when man lived like a savage we see how far we’ve come. The evolution of man is a truly admirable feat. Science is one of the main driving forces behind all this. This makes it easy to think about science’s…

Wonder of science essay | 3 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Wonder of science essay Answer Number 1 Introduction: Science plays an important role in our lives. Science is a marvelous field with many great discoveries. Science is now the age of everything. Science has made our lives easier and more comfortable. Science is a method of living that provides knowledge and a system for acquiring it. Science requires alertness, curiosity, and…

Essay on mothers day in 150 words | 4 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Essay on mothers day in 150 words Answer Number 1 Essay on mothers day in 150 words: Mother’s Day is celebrated every year to honor mothers and to show respect for their motherhood. The day is observed on the two Sundays in the month of May each year. Mothers are particularly invited to attend their child’s school to…

Mother’s Day Essay 10 Lines | 11 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Mother’s Day Essay 10 Lines Answer Number 1 Mother’s Day Essay 10 Lines: In India, the country of India, Mother’s Day is celebrated during the month of May. This celebration for Mother’s Day began around 1911, in the United States. This celebration was launched through Anna Maria Jarvis. The holiday is celebrated each year to honor…

Mothers Day Essay | 3 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Mothers Day Essay Answer Number 1 Mothers Day Essay: Mothers are the primary teacher and also the first child’s friends. She is the one who carries her child into her baby’s womb for nine years and loves her baby by giving all the love and affection she can. She is able to discern every gesture of her child from…

Mother’s day essay 100 words | 6 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 1 Mother’s day essay 100 words: Mother’s Day is celebrated every year to remember motherhood and the motherhood she has given her. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May month across the world. It is impossible to live without having a mother. Mother is the incarnation goddess on…

How I Spent My Yesterday Essay | 3 Different Answers Added [updated 2023]

How I Spent My Yesterday Essay Answer Number 1 How I Spent My Yesterday Essay: Like the old saying” Yesterdays are memories” The time that was once gone has passed away. It’s how we use our time and the items we can accomplish that count every day. This makes an important distinction in our past. Today it is possible…

Our headmaster essay | 3 Different Answers Added {Updated 2023}

Our headmaster essay Answer Number 1 Our headmaster essay: The school’s head is called the headmaster. Headmasters are present in all schools. There is a headmaster at our school, just like other schools. Namely, his name is Shankar Prasad Samantaray. He’s about fifty years young. He holds an M.A. in English and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education. He completed his Diploma…