Mother’s day essay 100 words | 6 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)
Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 1
Mother’s day essay 100 words: Mother’s Day is celebrated every year to remember motherhood and the motherhood she has given her. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May month across the world. It is impossible to live without having a mother. Mother is the incarnation goddess on the earth. She is selfless and forgets about her troubles and takes care of her children. If a mother is present with her child, she is safe and happy. Without a mother, life is a mess. We must follow the instructions of our mother since she is always trying to help her children become to be decent people in the world.
Every year the day of Mother’s Day a big event is held to honor the mother of the schools and other institutions. Mothers are especially invited to attend the celebration of their child’s education. On this day, the mother is at school with her children, and also participates in the celebration. There is no better example of the love and sacrifice mother shows in the world.
Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 2
The angel of our lives who effortlessly handles everything around the house and takes care of us is our mother. She’s likely to be one of the few people whom I trust completely. Many believe mothers are the ultimate creation of God because they carry some of God in them.
for the mom who sacrifices everything to protect her child and her family, it is unfair to say that there was no special day. This is the reason Mother’s Day is a special event for a mother as well as the child(ren). Although Mother’s Day is an annual celebration, we should ensure that we create a memorable day for each year our mom.
Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 3
Mother’s Day is celebrated every year to honor mothers and also to honor their motherhood. The day is observed on the 2nd Sunday of the month of May each year. Mothers are invited to visit their children’s schools to celebrate. Teachers start preparing for Mother’s Day by offering a wide range of fun activities. Students can create rhymes with Hindi or English essays along with a few phrases from Hindi or English poems, conversation speech, etc. On this day, mothers head into the schools of their children and participate children in celebrations.
Classrooms are decorated by teachers and students to greet mothers. It is celebrated across nations on various dates and dates, However, in India, the festival is observed on the 2nd Sunday in May. Kids send a unique invitation card (prepared by themselves) to their mother’s house and invite them to attend their schools at a determined time. They surprise their mothers by gifting them unanticipated gifts.
Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 4
The mother I have has always been the main person I have in my world. It’s not necessary to set an exact date for wishing affection to the mother. There should always be some reason to celebrate. May 12 is Mother’s Day. Every nation celebrates the day as Mother’s Day. It’s an extremely unique day for everyone.
Everyone has a mother. Everyone can’t claim to not have a mom. If your mother is alive today and you are able to spend the entire time with her. Mothers are truly special because they give up a lot for their children. My mom is someone I cherish extremely.
Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 5
May 12 is Mother’s Day. It’s a very special day for all sons and daughters. In reality, there shouldn’t be a specific day to be a mother’s love and daughter, but this day is very special. When I was a mother for the last time I did something special. My mother lived in the village, and I visited to surprise her a surprise. I also took her to my new house located in Kolkata forever.
I picked this day for the visit. She was extremely content to be here with her family. I was equally content. After that, I said ‘A Happy Mother’s Day. My sisters and brothers sent lots of cards, and they presented all of the cards to my mom.
We went to a restaurant and made cakes. It was a wonderful day. We can’t actually pay back or acknowledge what the mother did to us. We’re always grateful to our mothers.
Mother’s day essay 100 words Answer Number 6
Mother’s Day is a celebration celebrating the impact of mothers on society. Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates across the world. The Indian calendar is a bit different. India, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May each year. The day is celebrated throughout the globe.
Mother’s Day is celebrated to celebrate all mothers. The day is observed in order to show gratitude for the burdens mothers endure in raising children. In addition to India, some other countries such as the USA, Australia, and Canada also observe Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May.
In the month of Mother’s Day, people give cards of appreciation and gifts to their moms. This is an annual celebration however it is celebrated on different dates of the calendar depending on the nation. People may buy flowers for their mothers. There are a variety of ways in which you can show your appreciation to your mother.
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