Essay on Cow 10 lines | 4 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

Essay on Cow 10 lines

Essay on cow 10 lines Answer Number 1

  1. Sacred Indian animal
  2. Dairy and meat provider
  3. Gentle and docile creature
  4. Symbol of motherhood
  5. Used in agriculture
  6. Worshiped in Hinduism
  7. Bovine fertility deity
  8. Believed to be holy
  9. Milk, ghee, and cheese
  10. Essential rural asset

Essay on cow 10 lines Answer Number 2

  • Cud-chewing mammal
  • Four-legged domestic animal
  • Ruminant with horns
  • Grazes in pastures
  • Has a bovine odor
  • Inhabits cowsheds
  • Animal welfare concerns
  • Embodies agricultural culture
  • Associated with rural life
  • Vital to farming

Essay on cow 10 lines Answer Number 3

  • Mammalian farm animal
  • Large herbivorous creature
  • Respected and revered
  • Used for plowing fields
  • Provides nourishing milk
  • Known for mooing
  • Important in cattle industry
  • Has a distinct smell
  • Often seen in fields
  • Sacred in some religions

Essay on cow 10 lines Answer Number 4

  1. Sacred, gentle, docile.
  2. Milk, cheese, butter.
  3. Livelihood, economy, agriculture.
  4. Worship, festivals, traditions.
  5. Cultural, religious, historical.
  6. Breeds, colors, patterns.
  7. Grazing, feeding, care.
  8. Environment, sustainability, biodiversity.
  9. Threats, conservation, protection.
  10. Benefits, significance, symbolism.

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