10 lines about Lal Bahadur Shastri | 3 Different Answer Added (Updated 2023)

10 lines about Lal Bahadur Shastri

10 lines about lal bahadur shastri Answer Number 1

  1. Humble, honest leader.
  2. Fought for farmers’ rights.
  3. “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan”
  4. Gave slogan for progress.
  5. Led during tough times.
  6. Inspiring personality.
  7. Model of simplicity.
  8. Advocate of peace.
  9. Beloved by all.
  10. Remembered with respect.

10 lines about lal bahadur shastri Answer Number 2

  • Man of great vision.
  • Defender of democracy.
  • Champion of equality.
  • Committed to welfare.
  • A man of principle.
  • An inspiration to all.
  • Upholder of values.
  • Simple and sincere.
  • A leader with heart.
  • Memorable for all.

10 lines about lal bahadur shastri Answer Number 3

  1. A man of the people.
  2. Advocate of peace and harmony.
  3. Believer in non-violence.
  4. Worked for social equality.
  5. Inspired the nation with ideals.
  6. Remembered as a true leader.
  7. Gave his all for the country.
  8. Upheld the dignity of labor.
  9. Lived a life of simplicity.
  10. Honored as a national hero.

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